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Daily Training Journals

“No athlete is truly tested until they’ve stared an injury in the face and came out on the other side stronger than ever” - Anonymous

Wed. Feb 2, 2022

Through healing these long time injuries (foot, achilles, high hamstring, hip) I am peeling the layers off the onion (Dr. Hendrix would say). After the breaks occurred during the 2020 OM trials, and not getting the proper help and healing, I came back to running too soon and not in a great or hopeful mindset. I just ran with friends - which I loved but I was avoiding getting 100 percent healthy and getting back to a place mentally where I was hungry and hopeful. I'm proud how I am able to recognize this and pull back. I'm really good at finding others who are good at what they do and listening to them to find out what’s best for me and my growth. I committed to training with a different coach from Webster because this coach would demand I sit down and sit still and then get back progressively. He didnt take my bull shit and told me I needed to examine my motives, so I did. I ended up with a therapist and a nutritionist who works with me every other week. I learned so much about myself and finally was able to confront some of the lies and assumptions that are prevalent in the development of my sport. It was so freeing to discover me! This is why I love running. It is so much more than the act- it forces you to confront weaknesses in life and character. It is my greatest gift.

My trainer Keelin told me: I support you going for this goal 100% with how healthy you have become mentally and physically, I feel your passion, but this time around, KNOW without a doubt that you are talented, you have a gift. To me, this meant no more adding to workouts or miles to feel like I needed to make up for my lack of talent through doing more and more. That I was born with a gift and I need to nourish that by walking away optimally not maxed out after a workout. That last lesson was constantly imparted on me by the best coach in the world, coach sheldon webster, but I wasn't mature enough or faithful enough to believe him. Now, I am here today, calling on one of my best friends, Coach Webster- now coach, we can do the work: I am willing and ready to truly listen and accept. I have faith in you; I have faith in me.


Recovering from Covid- It was nasty! But, I'm back

Jan 9-15

20 miles impact run

360 min.


3 strength sessions

2 Yoga

Jan 16-27

Zero impact

Healing the left achilles/outside foot and right hip and high hamstring.


2 strength sessions

3 yoga/ mobility sessions

Jan 23-29


607 min xtrain

9 miles fitness walk

4 strength

2 ROM/Yoga


Thursday Feb 3, 2022

I am doing a lot of x training focusing on strength for some sessions and heart rate with others; although, its hard to get my HR above 165 on a stepper, bike, or elliptical. Intervals using the Peloton Ap help me push myself and keep me motivated and focused during these sessions; afterall, running in the beauty of nature is so much more pleasing than staring at a wall on a machine! I am definitely building focus and perseverance with these sessions. I am also doing a lot of strength training and yoga which I believe are an essential part of training when I get back to high mileage weeks. They are non negotiable if I want to maintain tissue health and stay injury free.


Friday Feb. 4, 2022

I ran for the first time today- 20 minutes at 5.0-6.0. Holy shit- I have to learn to run 26.2 at a 5:55 pace by 2024. No worry- focus on TODAY. My run was very humbling. I am being very careful to progress in the healthiest way for my body. I read an article that helped give me perspective of these first months back: The purpose of these post injury runs is not to elicit an aerobic effect as much as to allow my body’s musculoskeletal system to progressively adapt to the added force and load on my tissues and bones. This will help me avoid pushing too soon which in reality is just an irrational fear mechanism telling me I'm no longer talented or fast. Lies! I was born with the capacity to run a sub 2:40 marathon, I just need to allow my body to absorb the work in a patient, progressive, and faithful manner. My mantra words for the next couple months are FAITH and BELIEF in the process.


Jan 30-Feb 5th Totals

785 minutes XT (not counting fit walking)

20-22 miles walk/run

5 strength


Friday Feb. 11, 2022

I did the elliptical for 40 minutes really pushing through honey! Level 20, slow and strong. My focus is on building strength in my core and activating these muscles before doing my run to make sure all missiles are firing! I jumped on the tread for 45 minutes to finish my morning aerobic session.


Saturday Feb. 12, 2022

I think my biggest fear is getting back to old habits of running without a purpose. What a terrifying way to live to run without a goal or end point or purpose. I know some humans healthily run to eat, drink, or shrink to their tiniest form, but these motivations will never fuel me. For me, having a mindset of training is key for physical, mental, emotional, social health. I don’t have to prove myself everyday or hit a certain time or number everyday. There is a trust in the process: some days are very challenging and some days are for recovery. All days are for fueling the machine. ONe issue I've heard other runners express is how hungry they are on a recovery day.They say, “what's wrong with me i'm eating all day, or man she eats like a 12 year ild boy. These statements are damaging to an athlete in training. Your hunger means your body understands what you want it to do: replenish from last week's hard work, and fuel for the upcoming week's wor. If you do this, you can show up to key efforts doing your best eliciting adaptation. This is a common mistake amongst runners. TRUST. Just like a bodybuilder progressively shreds for a show and then allows to normalize after so does the runner. Allow and accept that your body is going to slightly change during different periods of your training. For me, I like to build muscle and strength during my base and then naturally my body reaches race form through periodizing my training (adding intensity, recovery, ect.). Our bodies are not meant to hold races year round! Acceptance and Trust are my mantra words for this one!


Feb 6-12 Totals

31-32 Miles

430 XT

5 Strength

3Yoga/Range of Motion


Feb. 15th & 16th

Feeling pretty good - not 100 yet but headed in the right direction. Yesterday, my training buddy Brooke met me for a treadmill run. Kind of funny, but Im not ready to take it to the roads and trails in the dark hours of the morning before school starts at 7, so I asked if she would join me. Oh man, I finally found my rhythm again! I stayed at a steady conservative pace that my body and lungs could handle without strain and we talked and talked the run away like the old days! I love running with my friends and I have had a lot of time doing this the last couple years. But, I do know that the next year plus I will have to be strategic about these runs. I know that when im training with a purpose, my paces don't and shouldn't match up with everybody - I wish they did. It's hard to find someone willing to pace me for some of these challenging efforts, so I will count on what worked for me the last three OM Trials build ups - treadmill. I actually purchased a second treadmill just so I can train next to my family and friends. I love being social in my sport, but sometimes, I need to sacrifice for the training purpose and what coach prescribes for me.

I am so happy that Brooke and Jessica are going to train for a fast marathon again too! The momentum of the group is powerful- even if our goals are perfectly aligned the path is the same -relative. These girls are ridiculously strong, resilient, and kind. We are all working hard, persevering, and not giving up on our hopes and dreams. We are in this together!

I'm starting to feel more rhythmic in my stride albeit my pace is much slower. But this is my challenge right now: getting comfortable again with a steady pace for the next few weeks. This requires faith. trust. patience. This morning I had a "tempo" run on the treadmill at 7:30 pace with a 3% incline and it was Its funny to think my tempo pace now will be my recovery pace between intervals on Tuesday track workouts.

I was gifted a great perspective this am during this challenge: I get to work hard again/even though 7:30 pace wasn't 185 heart rate 6 months ago- it is today- and effort and the body do not lie. Today, I got to feel the HARD. Im headed on the right direction. Im stronger. I'm patient. I'm grateful.

Tonight, Jon and I head to Colorado for a ski trip. I can't wait to spend the next three days in nature-breathing in the crips air of the mountains: Adventure awaits!


Feb. 13-19th in Colorado


46 miles

105 XT

840 Ski - not all active.

6mi. Fit Walking

4 strength

1 yoga


Feb. 20-27

33 miles

480 min


3 strength

2R OM/Yog

8 mile Fit walk in class


Yesterday, I got to run! I am still healing some little things up, particularly my achilles. I got graston and some dry needling Thursday and my body responded so well! Dr. Ben has really been peeling away at the layers like an onion. I built up so much scar tissue from untreated injuries and all the repeativie movement out sport demands. We have dedicated two sessions a week and he spends so much time rehab me, keeping me on the right track (time off to heal and slow progression back to running), and having faith that I will recover and run fast again. He gives me hope and yesterday's run was a testament to that!

Coach and I know intensity can flare things up especially when I am vulnerable. So, we are in that zone where I am focused for a period of time and the rest is not that much slower - so really its a slow burn...ouchy! I would almost rather quick and hard, but this is the route that will get my body stronger without accruing new injuries and healing the old ones!

I did 8x1 mile at 6:35 then 1/2 mile at 7:30 pace recovery for 12 miles. After, I met mom for Hot yoga!


March 2, 2022

Blog About Purposeful Training- Goals - and Mental Strength Practice


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