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Rock Your Socks 5k/1Mile Run/Walk





December 31st-Jan 7th 2022 is the 3rd Annual Rock Your Socks for our Community's Health 5k and 1 mile Run/Walk. The event will be virtual this year with the goal of raising enough funds to hold an in person event by next spring! Although we hoped to go in person this year, we still have some fundraising to accrue before hiring and renting the safest and most accurate timing system and routes as we meet together as families and a community. 



This year's profits and donations will go towards next years set up, timing, and service costs. As we grow together, we will continue our effort to support a distinct group in our community each year while promoting movement, health, and community. Past groups have been a Physical Education department, Veteran Fitness and Support Group Program, and our next target group we will celebrate and support are our teachers. 



The event’s main purpose is to encourage families and friends in and around our community to share a morning of movement, activity, accomplishment, and fun with unique themed sock expressions while supporting small businesses. 



Please consider signing up, racing/jogging/walking, and uploading your results through our Fleet Feet landing page, so we can all show our strength and participation -even if we are still virtual.


Consider Meeting at the Katy trail with our group the first Saturday of the race week for support or get a group of family members, friends, or a team to all run it together. Don't forget to rock your socks! 


Remember, for a virtual race, you can time your run on your GPS watch anytime within the race dates above (Dec. 31-Jan 7th) and upload them following the directions Fleet Feet will email you the week before the race dates. 












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