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This guide is an excellent education on running gait and would be an excellent addition to any runner or coach who is interested in teaching, coaching, or learning themselves how to optimize their form by learning how to breath, stay postural alignment, stabilized, strong, and fluid! 

This guide is for coaches or runners who are students of the sport and want to learn how to change their gait without causing compensations and injuries. The guide explains how learning and practicing a more efficient running gait can bring longevity to your running career along with reducing injury risk while making you a faster runner with less work. 

The guide will help you get to the root in a step by step approach with suggestions for exercises and specific steps you can take in implementing form changes in a sage, progressive manner. 

The guide is not a workout and does not explain or show exercises. 

The 14  page guide explains the what, the how, and the why for optimal running form. If you need further assistance in how to hold your body or create a liveable routine for your specific lifestyle, reach out to a trainer or coach you can see in person. 

This guide is an excellent education on running gait and would be an excellent addition to any runner or coach who is interested in teaching, coaching, or learning themselves how to optimize their form by learning how to breath, stay posturally aligned, stabilized, strong, and fluid!

Efficient Running Form Step By Step Guide

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