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Functional Fitness Senior Edition

About 72 million people in the US fall into the Baby Boomer generation: born between 1944-1964.

Some are still working but many have long retired with the goal of working a career for 30ish years and then "taking it easy" in retirement life.


Whether working at a desk or in hard labor, retiring to "slow down" has taken a toll on this generation's health.

Aerobic training (think walking, running, elliptical) is good for the heart

BUT a STRENGTH ROUTINE is just as important: to build the prime movers and maintain strength of muscles and all tissue surrounding the bones and joints so we can move well in all planes of motion.

This is where hiring a NASM certified personal trainer to work on functional strength CONSISTENTLY can add years and adventure to one's life.

Not just in quantity of years but also in QUALITY of life: walking, hiking, traveling, picking up grandkids, getting off and on the toilet (that shouldn't be an adventure- but hey- its the little things-and I know what this limitation feels like- hahah!)

Adventure can be one's ability to enjoy the process, the act of life's daily tasks without pain or discomfort as just part of aging. Getting on you toes and reaching for a dish in a cabinet should not be uncomfortable for you. Bending down to look under the vehicle should not be accompanied with a moan. Or, it doesn't have to be like this.

After all, Shakespeare's Hamlet reminded us that it is death that is the greatest equalizer - basically none of us can detour the aging process - whether it's tissue healing, muscle loss, or peri and/or menopause.

But we can naturally, healthily stay at the top of the bell curve of the aging process by maintaining the muscle mass around our bones and joints in order for us to balance, coordinate, lift our bodies and maybe another like that new member of the family. This is called investing in your body's capacity to live well for as long as possible.

This is done based off of a Functional Movement Assessment leading an individualized Functional Fitness routine within a safe, uplifting, and challenging environment here at Emerge Fitness St. Charles.

The goal of functional fitness specific for seniors is to improve balance, mobility, and strength for daily activities.

How is that done? With a trainer who knows the body, works in tandem with physical therapists, chiropractors, and surgeons post rehab. With a trainer who knows how to articulate to a person how to get in touch with the correct diaphragmatic breathing, joint stabilization, activation, and core strength.

Do you know someone who is ready to add personalized functional training into his or her weekly routine in order to do daily life tasks more joyfully while living a quality life for as long as possible?

Reach out for a consultation and assessment. I would love to help you live your best life.

You would be amazed at what our senior clients here art Emerge can do! They are some of the strongest client base we have here.

Julie Winkler Smith (Emerge Physical Therapist) and Me. Julie has taught me how to execute a proper functional assessment and also works at Emerge Fitness Training.

Andy (works with Adam Kulp) is still running strong.

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