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Developing Overall Athleticism with Emerge Trainers

Josue Murillo-Colon

If you are looking for a fresh physical and mental challenge led by a skilled and focused; tough yet gentle; methodical yet perfectly progressive certified coach and trainer- reach out to Josue Murillo-Colon at Emerge.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to finally work a one-on-one session with Coach Josue- with the goal of teaching a distance running- that's me- ha!- the intro skills and techniques to establish a foundation in boxing.

And- did I learn- A LOT.

I also got a killer core workout, full body conditioning, and walked away feeling seriously accomplished!

Basically feeling exactly what I aim for how my own clients will feel after they leave me each session: activated and confident after prescribing that perfect dose of challenge that elicits enough breakdown to encourage change while also building up spirit to try novel programming.

This is the gift - helping clients find the courage, confidence, and strength to use their physical abilities to produce growth, evolution, and satisfaction.

Ok- so here’s how it broke down….

45 degrees…heel to toe…step pivot, step pivot

Move with me…eyes on me…fists to checks…no chicken wings… elbows to ribs-no wings

Look up…step jab…step jab..step jab

Pivot powerful from hip and PUNCH…1-2-1-2

Now let’s do that for 3 minutes and move with me!


I had no idea how physically, mentally, and emotionally challenging YET productive an intro boxing session with Josue would be.

We began with some full body dynamic drills that heated my core and activated all the right muscles followed by jump roping. I was ready to go.

Coach asked me, “So how's your foot work?”

My Reply, “Um, do you know what my sport is?” Yah, I run 50 mile races as fast as I can, try to avoid compensations for as long of the runs as possible, and try to use the least amount of energy as possible while propelling my body forward!

Short answer, “Yah. My feet stay low- ha HELP or at least be patient - lol”

Sort of a self deprecation considering I am a pretty well rounded athlete- so

we laughed and the coach quickly got me back on task with another important question:

“Which hand is your dominant?”

I reply, "Whatever one you want- ha “I’m sorta ambidextrous- hoping he would just teach to my right hand since that’s easier but knowing my left is probably stronger.”

He laughs and says seriously what hand would you throw with most dominantly?”

So, I acquiesced: I'm a lefty”

“Ahh A southpaw- ok, well I’m orthodox right, but I can demo using left.”

And although I thought this may deter his focus on teaching a lefty when he is right dominant, he seamlessly cued and demos crisply so I could mimic and understand.

Coach taught me all the ladder, foot work, and full body “dance” moves that are very challenging to coordinate, it was very impressive and he didn't skip a beat.

He continued, “ Ok, so pop quiz, what’s the shortest distance between two lines?”

“AHHHHH, ME ME ME, call on me, I know this one - straight line - straight line!!!!!

Runner here! How do I get to the finish line covering the LEAST amount of distinct required? Running the tangents- try for those straight lines! Ok, now I'm starting to get this boxing thing - ha!

Coach maintains his composure under my excitement, continuing the focused work and forward movement of the session:

“Good, use that principle with your punches, more force, better hit, straight line to the face with the rotation right before the POW!

This is where I leave you -the rest of the session was a BLAST- hard yet fulfilling- I felt strong and more skilled as I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

If you want more, reach out to Emerge Fitness and ask to book with Josue; you will not be disappointed.

Thanks Coach! #Emergetogether

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