Could Our Fitness Goals Rely On Our Time Sitting?
Ok, ok, I know sitting is the “new smoking” right?
Well yes, I believe there is a lot of truth in that statement! Ehem: did you get your 10k steps in today - ha just kidding- kind of.
And Yes: You read that title correctly: Sitting-reflecting, journaling, meditating, then DOING better.
That last part is often missed: ACTION, you have to go out into the world and be self aware and ready to PRACTICE your new way of speaking, thinking, and behaving.
Check out Mental Trainings for Runners: Part ONE Part TWO Part THREE
Well, once again, listen to the Buddha,
“We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts, with our thoughts we make the world.”
Our world and all those we live and touch around us are depending upon your revolution.
Ok, so how the heck do we as trainers and coaches not speak on mental strategy and fitness before we speak on nutrition and fitness.
Well, perhaps the method is beyond our ethical scope of practice and more of a therapist's arena, but whatever, addressing our language may be the piece of the puzzle we are missing in achieving our optimal health and living the lives we truly desire.
Often we associate health and fitness with aerobic exercise, flexibility, mobility, and strength. And I would also include language.
I know I know.
A google search will definitely not lead you to “cleaning up” your word resulting in the “secret” to better health, weight loss, and overall content feelings many of us desire as a result of our fitness routines.
Hear me out, or this lady Joan Livion, “What we see, what we say, and what we think is what we get.”
What if we acted as if to be the person we desire to be.
In other words, instead of living in our current reality, perhaps take as much action as possible and within your ability start behaving as if you are that healthy version of yourself.
You know, the one who keeps her promises to herself; The one who emotes love and joy to the world; the one who remains calm in adversity, the one who drinks that recovery or protein fuel after a hard session, the one who likes to eat her vegetables, the one who practices moderation by sharpening her spiritual life, the one who takes that adventure dreamt of, the one…. You get the point.
What if.
Perhaps this takes a courageous step of finally grieving that "old you" that you have seriously grown out of! AND embracing what is to be! It's never too late. And, if you don't know what to do, find a trainer, therapist, or a mentor. -Jackie Pirtle-Hall Emerge Fitness Training
That person on the other side is waiting for you. We all have “that” person. In fact, I don't believe we ever “arrive” that we either grow or die. The secret is in the language
And in the approach. All or nothing is too harsh. I recommend you step back and focus on being consistent and honest; Perhaps slow down and be more intentional with your work in and out of the gym and you will “speed up” in a way you always wanted. .
On Language:
Cleaning up these language habits will take self reflection, practice and grace with oneself.
For instance, if one of the primary ways you learned how to connect with other humans is through gossip, negativity, making excuses, ect then it will take grace and practice, patience, and some reflection (perhaps through journaling) to change your language.
Just like it takes time, consistency, and a pretty simple and easy does it approach to fitness- so does it tightening up your word.
By tightening up, I mean working on your language fitness with the suggestions below.
By the way, I hope this article comes off as inspirational and not judgemental - more times than not, I write about goals I am working on myself. Lol So thank you for allowing me to be vulnerable and grow alongside you to be the version of ourselves this world is waiting for and needs.
One more note of relationships, ok maybe a babble:
If you are in a relationship -whether a friendship, neighbor, spouse, please understand that some else pain is not yours to hold. As an adult you have the responsibility to take yourself out of a negative relationship without feeling like you are abandoning that relationship. The only person that can help a negative mindset is the person with that mindset. If he or she asks you for help, by all means, be a friend and share with them what has worked for you! But, you don't ever feel you have to stay in that “world” if the person is not open and willing to speak and do better for him or herself.
If this is someone in your proximity without your consent- in other words, you cannot avoid this person- always be kind sans ego, set an example, then limit and set boundaries.
Again, this does not mean you are mean or abandoning anyone; in fact it is the opposite, it means, you are taking care of yourself so that when that person truly wants help, you are healthy enough to help him or her.
Please do not ever feel you have to stay in a negative cloud. You, and all the people you reach in your day deserve better of you!
List of thoughts and language to avoid in being the best version of YOU!
Lying or exaggerating
Closed minded
Making excuses
Incessant complaining
Also, I believe it's ok to share and be sad; In fact, I'm pretty good at this - just ask my people- ha! I believe this is actually good for you to share and acknowledge your feelings, but then you need to see your part in the situation.
The list above is referring to an overall way of thinking, talking, and living! I do not know what I would do if i couldn't share me true feelings with my close friends but I am focused on getting the story out AND then most important part - only focusing on what PART I PLAYED IN THE story or feeling; most times when I’m disturbed, there is something within me that can use some cleaning -lol
Now for the Language Goals:
*Of course add to this list. These are just words I have chosen. You can find YOUR words too!
Remember, this may be the most important work on your fitness journey that you do, so get in a quiet place with a warm cozy cup of whatever you like, and start step one of doing the hardest work! I promise - it's worth it.
***Check out my Mental Training Strategies literature that helped me climb Pikes Peak ahead of Courney Dewalter, run in multiple Olympic Marathon Trials, and even run back to back marathons with Personal Bests.
Great info Jackie!!!!