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Awake and Healing Day 1-2 Surgery

Me with my mom and pops around 5pm the day of surgery. They brought us our favorite foods.


Hello! First world problems here....but,

I am awake and healing!

I'm about 20 hours post hip operation, couched with my luxurious velvety blanket named "greeny" (yes, I’m in my forties and still have an active relationship with my lovey).

BTW, I really think everyone should have a lovey-

[Read that argument AKA HUGE DIGRESSION here and learn some other unconventional recovery habits].

I’d like to share exactly what I'm going through just in case one of you has to go through something similar. I know we are all different, but if my notes can provide you with a little comfort going into something like this - it’s worth it.

The Day of Surgery

  1. 5am I got to train some clients at Emerge - I'm noting this because I was told strictly not to drink or eat anything from midnight on pre surgery- not even brush my teeth!

Man, I realized how much of a coping mechanism my morning coffee was- providing me with a perk and a warm hug every morning! But no liquid if I want surgery today! Funny, I literally thought, “well maybe I can just stick my tongue in there and that will ‘hit the spot’ bahahaha. Geez -come on-I didn't do it! But seriously, not a completely insane idea - I've tricked my overly fueled belly at mile 20 plus of the marathon by switching from drinking the gatordae to just swishing it around my mouth then spitting the gatorade instead of swallowing it since late marathon stomach distress signals an overabundance of sugar in the belly unable to process. See how I think lol Thanks clients for dealing with pre surgery/no coffee Jackie.

  1. So at 7am, I reported to the location and checked in all the paperwork.

  2. Next, Amazing Nurse # 1 brought me back into pre pre-surgery room.

The curtain yanked closed, so I could stumble out of my comfy pants and into my princess gown AKA hospital gown that makes you feel way too OPEN and exposed- especially when your hip doesn’t position easily SO you squirm in best attempt to keep the unmentionables -well- slightly covered. Thanks to the husband for noticing when you came back that my booty was hanging out lol and he laced me up back there-ha

  1. I also got blue booties and a sexy hat. I was ready. Not quite though. And then they brought the hubs back to sit and wait with me- he told me funny stories and we laughed and secretly peeked at the nurse and doctor notes then took funny pictures. This helped so much. I would say the hardest part of all of this was the time waking up and waiting to get back to surgery. It’s like the hours before a big game or race - you’re ready and you just want to get it going and do it really well! Afterall, I had a couple clients at 5 and 6 am at Emerge Training -right before driving to the surgery center.

  2. Next Amazing nurse #2 came in and hooked me up with an IV for medicine- I hate these so I just closed my eyes and thought of the Teton Mountains- happy place!

  3. Next, a kind man came in to show me how to use the brace I am required to wear all the time to stabilize.

  4. Another kind man came in and showed me how to use the compression sleeves they want you to wear while sitting to make sure the blood doesn't clot.

  5. Then, Dr. Anesthesiologist came in and asked me bunches of questions

  6. Then, the man who would be doing the actual surgery came in - Dr. Meleander. He spent time with us and explained everything to us and my husband, answered any questions, and we also shared running related stories- as this guy is coming up on his 10th Boston Marathon and runs fast- in the low 3 hours for the marathon! His wife is a runner too - so we got carried away for a bit talking about -well- running ha!

  7. Next, Nurse #3 and 4 came in - one was the anesthesiologist nurse and he started it all by giving me a concoction through my IV that is a pre-anesthesia med- this would start the general anesthesia I would be getting from the Dr. Anesthesiologist.

  8. I was quickly wheeled back to the actual surgery room- bright lights ,made me feel like I was in a dystopian novel and about to lose all control -ha! AND, nothing to remember for the next 2 hours. It was about 9:30 ish

  9. I was in the recovery room with my husband as I woke up 2-3 hours later. Here, I felt A LOT of pain and tightness. I was groggy. My husband tells the doctor that if I'm saying I'm in pain, then it has got to be pretty high - he laughs. The doctor decided to give me some pain medicine through a shot that provides muscle relaxation because it wasn't the incision so much that hurt - it was how tight my Abductors and glutes around the hip was. A deep deep ache - like piriformis syndrome x100 - ha!

  10. I was told to eat something with this medicine and I chose a chocolate hip cookie over crackers or pretzels lol and nibbled on it. I sufficed the nurses orders and was allowed to dress and discharge. So, Jonathan helped me get back into my pre surgery sweats, led me slowly to my wheelchair and the nurse rolled me out while Jon got in the car.

  11. The first thing I requested when I got home was a big nutrient packed smoothie and it hit the spot before I dozed off and on for the rest of the afternoon.

  12. Around 4:30 the girls were home and I felt really good surprisingly Monday night. My parents came over to visit and bring all of us dinner. We ate and did the normal Monday night chore - making lunches, signing papers, ordering school pictures, and getting in our reading for the night.

Me after the surgery- eating cookies with my medication and off to home!

24 Hours Post Surgery

  1. THEN, around 5am I woke up in bad pain! Wowza - where is that pain medicine? I was told to “stay ahead of the pain” but I decided to just see before taking any pain medication - and well, I will for at least today be taking the pain medicine every 4-6 hours to get through day 2 - which the doctor did tell me would be the peak day for pain before it starts to dissipate. I'm happy because I want to get back to work as soon as I can without going overboard or feeling pain - taking it one day at a time and thankful I have some super understanding and caring clients who are willing to deal with me this week and next- Honestly, I just love my job and all my people - so the sooner I can get back to them with doctor approval I will jump at it! Thursday is my plan - I will keep you posted as to how that transition goes as well!

  2. For the rest of the day, I will be with Lovey, compression socks, and couch - ugg - But recover.restore.rejuvenate!

Why Surgery?

An Xray showed a “large” crack on the ‘tension’ side of my femoral neck - in order to restore blood supply and help the bone heal and grow strong, a couple pins or screws were inserted to pull the crack together. Now, the bone will heal even stronger at that hip. I also got an MRI the Saturday before and it showed zero tissue dysfunction or suspected Larum tear - it was all just the crack that was causing pain- this is great news!

To extrapolate, if the crack were not on the top or the ‘tension’ side and instead on the bottom or the ‘compression’ side, no surgery would be required. That makes sense. The weight gradually bearing during the healing process would force that location of a crack to compress together and the bone would grow strong back together. But again, due to the crack on the top, we needed pins if I were to run on a healthy hip again.

Consideration In and Around A Sports Related Surgery

  1. Have a support team. Chiro to refer, Hip Surgeon who knows you and your sport and well, the hip lol, a Physical therapist to lay down the foundation needed to progress to the strength training coach to build on in fixing any imbalances, and strengthening your body in a clear, objective, progressive plan. Family and friends, let people help you.

Extra Notes Thoughts on #1

Because I have a consistent, long term relationship with my Chiropractors, I am able to fully trust when any of them (they work as a team and constantly communicate with one another) refer me to outside help or to schedule an MRI.

I don't know about you, but if I ran to an orthopedic surgeon with every ache or pain, I'd be living in a tent: It's time and money! Geez back to school shopping alone put me in a tizzy- kids are expensive - lol anyways- Tross Chiro who knows my body and training propensities really pushed me to a referral to Advanced Bone and Joints' Dr. Meleander.

Me right before getting wheeled into surgery. My husband was teasing me and we were sneaking on the doctor/nurse notes left on the table next to us - lol.

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